
Final Project Video

Hey guys!   :) So, here is my final project. I couldn't decide which one I liked more (as far as music goes). This is the one I turned in: and here is the other: Please feel free to critique me on which one you like better as well as the end result! Thanks! And thanks for an awesome semester!!

Self-directed Video Final Project - Vimeo link - Lisa Nunn

The link to my self-directed video is below: Enjoy Lisa

Methods of Montage

    The topic and breakdown on the various definitions of the montage made for a very interesting read. It was interesting to learn about the 5 categories of montages since I never really considered breaking down montages into different categories like this. Of the various montages mentioned, I found the overtonal montage to be the most interesting, as it deals with a collective calculation of a piece's appeal.Overall, I think this reading resonated with me the most out of the four readings since I have done most of my projects by cutting together video game footage together to form a coherent video work that demonstrates a recurring theme throughout.

Deren - Creating Movies with a New Dimension: Time

     This reading gave me a better insight of how time affects the mediums of photography and film making. I found it interesting on how it mentions how one of the goals of photography is to capture a second or moment in time to view the smaller details that are generally lost by the passage of time. As if to contrast that statement on photography, it goes on to say how film has the opposite problem, in which it needs to focus on all the time as soon as the camera starts rolling. It was especially informative to read about how film makers want to use the space-time relationship to their advantage, so some tend to use equipment that helps to modify/warp the perspective of the camera to gain the intended effect for the scene they want to shoot. Overall, I found myself much more appreciative of the time-space relationship in film and learned about other techniques I hadn't considered when filming.

Bordwell and Thompson - Narrative as Formal Systems - Lisa Nunn

I missed reading this assignment at the very beginning of the semester, but I think the article describes narratives very well. I ask myself would I have seen things sooner or differently if I would as they relate to filmmaking if I would have read it earlier. When examining story plot differences, parallels, and motivations, I have really never thought about how much of what you get from a film is based on your life experiences. As you look at someone else's story through your own lens, there are many ways in which you could interpret something differently than the creator's view because of your own unique worldview. Lisa

Creating Movies with a New Dimension: Time

Hi everyone. Tran here. After reading “Creating Movies with a New Dimension: Time”, I get the point that motion picture photograph is more important than still photograph. It can help us to make action in the movie more significant by changing lens. As we read in the reading, with long focal length lens, the actor will seem to move faster than with the short focal length lens. When an editor knows how to manipulate the camera, they can make the normal action like dancing become more special. And what makes me really pay attention to the author’s view is “The desire to discover and to experience something new is responsible for growth and development in the individual, progress in civilization”. Although his view about motion picture is not new nowadays, his statement about growth and development has been right until now. We grow by learning, apply new skill, and try new methods. Never stop learning at any ages. To sum up, I will close my opinion by the quote of Albert Einstein “Life i

Methods of Montage

The first thing that struck me while reading this piece is that I have never considered the timing or arrangement of a montage in a film, and it seems quite interesting to me that there is one based solely on time, or any of the aspects described, really. I will definitely pay more attention to this now in films. Although I feel I had the most trouble truly grasping all the aspects of this article, it was still worthwhile and interesting. Perhaps it is because I am a more visual learner that I would really enjoy being able to see some examples of each category, as I have not seen most of the films referenced. It is hard to differentiate without seeing the minute differences in each. That being said I can still imagine some of the more straightforward ones like the metric montage. Overall while I would likely still need further exploration in order to employ these in my own work, it is nice to have opened my mind to new ways of thinking about it.